Truth Muzic Radio
Sista Talk Blog
A Sista Talk With
Yahca’Anna Yahudah
Live Interview with sister Yahca’Anna Yahudah out of Sandusky, OH on October 5th here on Sista Talk with RaeShantael. This achot is a songwriter, artist AND a psalmist who definitely has a story to tell and I’m here to let her voice be heard.
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Join me Wednesday, October 5th live on Truth Muzic Radio.
The Z is for Zion!!!

A Sista Talk with Yahca’Anna Yahudah
Join me for a Sista Talk!
Achayot, if you want your voices heard and have access to a phone or internet, I want to talk with you. So fill out the form below so we can chat on Sista Talk w/ RaeShantael Live on The Z is for Zion!!
Request a Sista Talk [Click Here]